Old Friends, New Beginnings…

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…you know it’s amazing when you aren’t looking for something, how it suddenly turns up!

I’ve just finished emailing a friend from school that I haven’t seen in nearly 20 years! I saw her picture on a scrapbooking site I was visting and recognised her straight away, she’d hardly changed a bit. Megan and I were never best friends, but we did have mutual friends. It made me think that mabey I have missed out on one of the most important things about friends, and thats staying in touch. Phone calling has never been my strong point, I often don’t know what to say to someone, but email me and I’ll type on for ages. I sometimes need to go back over emails and cull bits that have gone on tooooo long.

Sam and I also met up with a very good friend, that we just lost contact with. We hadn’t seen him for 13 + years. He came down on his motor bike to Sams farewell party. It was like we’d never lost touch with each other.

While we’re on the farewell party, I got to say goodbye to some of my best friends here South of the Bombays. There was some crying mostly on my part, because of the memories we’d had together, the things that had kept us apart, but also the times we won’t have together. Call me emotional, call me a little intoxicated. Either way I think it was good for me, clears my mind to move forward so to speak.

And much closer to home, we have a family reunion every year on my mum’s side, this year its the children’s turn (my generation) to organise, so the cousins have been having meetings. And while we do see each other at least yearly, I don’t really know alot of them, you know what they do, their interests, what they are good at, likes and dislikes, kids names! etc. It’s been really great getting to know a bit about my own family, My only regret is that I should have done it sooner!! But hei aha, never mind, next time. I’ll be back in 5 years.

One of my top jobs this week is making sure all my email addresses, cell phone numbers etc are up to date. So if your one of my family/friends/aquaintances phone, text or email me because my new beginning resoulution is to stay in touch.

Aroha nui, everyone. or a quote from my son’s favourite movie, Cars, ‘there’s alot of love out there, man’