Some ‘interesting’ developments…

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…So Easter weekend, there was a big whanau sports day at a nearby reserve, it’s a Brisbane vs Sydney comp and a heap of whanau came down from Brisbane for the weekend. Jody, Sam’s cousin came up from melbourne with his wife, they and Jodys sister and her family stayed with Pooch. There was even representatives from New Zealand.

It was a great event, I met alot of people all at once which is handy for me as I don’t really like to go out that much. the next opportunity for one of these is in two years time. Which is quite handy as theres alot of organisation that goes into it, so I’ve been told.

Sam’s brother came over for a week for Easter, it was good to see him, he bought the kids easter eggs from Kerry, and Elise’s Birthday present, a PSP, which she loves, from Kerry an BJ.

The week following Easter, Gilbert-Grey and his aunty came down with a really bad stomach bug, vomiting and diorreah. Gilbert-Grey was getting sick constantly and I was up half the night trying to keep it contained and feeding him boiled water. I made him and Krys -chicken soup thicken with rice- which is apparently very good for this type of illness. Lasted about two days, then unfortunately I came down with the same bug. Layed up for the first day in bed, completely zonked out. Had to get Elise and my neice to look after the younger ones, which they did really well. Paid them for their troubles later on though.

The last week Krys and Elise got sore throats and then GG, Tamerah and I pick it up also, we’re now coughing and spluttering all over the place. Its one of those heavy chesty type colds where it gets hard to move the phlem, and the cough hurts yr throat!

As you can see we’ve had a great few weeks, can’t wait for next week.

I’ve started looking after Gus’s baby girl, she’s really easy to look after and loves the kids, Elise helps out a lot, we try to sing her alot of songs and read books, but she just enjoys exploring. We’ve been out to the park and walked to the shop nearly every day, its been raining for the last 3 days, not good washing weather. kids have been stuck inside, but surprisingly, made their own fun. I think when kiddies get the choice between watching tv all day or doing some thing else creative, eventually the something else wins. It’s good having Ata here as well for them to play with especially Elise. Ata’s good at finding something to do.

I also started doing Avon over here, I have a few streets where we live, and I think I might be able to make a go of it here, the streets I have are very flat, not much climbing and there doesn’t seem to be many dogs around. Also looking at other ways to bring in the income without going out to work. Internet work looks like the most promising, my only thing now is finding something to sell?! Might start on Ebay, have won a couple of auctions I bid on, so am starting to make a good name for myself, definitely like TradeME more though! Mabey I should start a site like trade me over here!!

Elise is playing Rugby League, I never wanted her to play that sort of sport, but she likes it and is getting out and making friends, so I can’t complain. We were supposed to start violin lessons, but we havent’ got a car yet, plus I don’t really know where the lady’s place is, hope to start her on lessons soon though. the violin looks interesting. We are supposed to be going to Brownies this term, its just down the road, E isnt really looking forward to it, But I think it will be good to get to know more kids from around here.

Haven’t really go t out much just to the mall and other shopping, have found a rec. center so might get along there once we get a car and take the kids swimming or get them into some organised activities. Want to take Tamerah and E to a dance class, or even a music class for the the little kids. We’ll see Sam and I went to look for People movers today, so wish us good luck, hopefully we can get a loan, being in the country for just over a month, so who knows.

It’s ANZAC day here, and I think in NZ? So I hope we all talked about it with out children just a little this morning, even if you didn’t make it to the local parade.

‘Lest we forget’