So the other exhibition we went to see at the Powerhouse Museum was the Starwars Identities Exhibition. Now I know this might not be new to everyone! But during the exhibition you wear this ear phone and a lanyard with a receiver in it. The exhibition is essentially quiet and you step into these pentagon outlines on the floor, where a story of that particular identities station starts playing. As you step away from the station you lose signal, and the story drops out. Great idea, and prob not exciting to you all haha!
There were original costumes, character development sketches, weapons, model space ships. Plus along the way you get to make your own Starwars character complete with backstory. The underpinning idea, the clue is in the title, is to explore your own personal identity. You know, what makes us who we are, how choices can change our path, how our upbringing helps define our personalities etc.
All very fascinating, but because we sort of left the SW visit till last, we rushed through the identity stations , wanting mainly to see all the exhibits. However, I did complete my character:

So the backstory of my character is:
I was born on Dorin but was raised on the city planet Coruscant, where members of my community made their living wherever they could in the crime-filled streets. On holidays my two close friends and I would traditionally celebrate in the streets of the entertainment district.
My parents required discipline from me and had little warmth to give, but I suppose I did inherit my strong set of creative abilities from them. Later on I spent some time with the wise Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose guidance left me with knowledge I still use every day in my job as a merchant.
I remember this one time when I was captured by a crime lord and chained to his belly. I didn’t let this affect me too much, though; instead I used my chains to throttle the crime lord to death and escaped.
People often tell me I’m a generally organised and prepared person, I also tend to be relaxed and imperturbable. But the most important thing to me is benevolence: after all, helping is its own reward, as they say.
The Force is very strong with me, so I wasn’t surprised when the Emperor tracked me down. When he offered me limitless power in exchange for my allegiance, I fought the urge to join him and his evil minions and rejected his offer.

You know even though it was made up, I still had the urge to reject the offer by the Emperor. I don’t know what happens when you accept the offer and turn to the dark side, and I didn’t want to find out lol!
Anyway what follows are the rest of the pics I took at the Powerhouse museum exhibition. There are quite a few so grab a coffee first.